Guest Posting Guidelines

Please review the following guest posting guidelines if you would like to contribute an article on The Lost Passport.

  1. This blog is about travel. The primary destinations are currently Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands. Pitching an article on a relevant destination has a higher chance of being accepted, however, we are still open to articles on other destinations.
  2. Preferred topics are about adventure travel, travel itineraries, and travel tips
    • A detailed destination guide on a particular city, region, or country
    • List article – top things to do in destination XYZ
    • List article – best places to visit near destination XYZ
    • Write up on an adventure travel experience you have had with practical tips and guides for other travelers to follow “i.e. hiking Mount Kinabalu in Malaysia”
  3. Before you pitch a completed article, send 2 to 3 suggested topics for consideration.
  4. Articles should be a minimum of 1,500 words unless otherwise agreed.
  5. Each submission should contain 4-5 high-quality photos that you own. Poor quality snapshots will be rejected. Stock photography should only be used where you are missing a photo on a particular destination and should be accompanied by its source and all rights to use the photo.
  6. All photos should be titled with the subject matter appropriately.
  7. Horizontal photos are to be 1200px wide, vertical photos are to be 900px wide.
  8. Attach your photos to the email, not embedded in the document.
  9. Personalize the article a little by dropping in a couple of your personal experiences, thoughts, and tips. Remember, this is a blog, not Wikipedia.
  10. Submit your article via email in MS Word format.
  11. Backlinks are provided to your homepage and one non-competing blog post of choice. Links are also provided to social media accounts in a brief author bio (100 words).
  12. The article will be reviewed, marked up and edited before posting. I may make changes for SEO purposes such as keyword optimization, including additional internal links, and extending the article with additional information. I may also add affiliate links to the article.


Paradise Beach Koh Kradan

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